flight thrust中文什么意思

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  1. The comparison of calculation results with experimental data confirms the reliable of the determination method of the flight thrust
  2. In order to determination the thrust , the thrust definition and many control parameters are analyzed discussed , which mass flow rate and flight altitude are involved . it is difficult to measure the flight thrust of solid rocket ramjet directly
  3. It is determined now by calculation with mathematical relationship of the flight thrust to the physical quantities which can be measured directly . the optimization of the software development platform is also analyzed inspect of the solid rocket - ramjet developmental program


  1. flight test schedule 什么意思
  2. flight test station 什么意思
  3. flight test time 什么意思
  4. flight testing recording 什么意思
  5. flight testpiston 什么意思
  6. flight thrust measurement 什么意思
  7. flight time 什么意思
  8. flight time accumulation 什么意思
  9. flight time limitation 什么意思
  10. flight time of projectile 什么意思


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